Last week and Anime scene of the week

This week is a busy one so I do not have time write 😦

I am working on a book review and other stuff but still not finished so I decided to just write a small post about this week, and my favourite Anime scene of this week πŸ˜€

In general it was my B-day this Saturday and I must admit it was a good one. The first B-day living outside of my Country but for some reason I am surrounded with good people and they made it awesome. Also I got 2 surprise cakes and some naughty B-day fun πŸ˜€


Will not go into details about celebrating since I was forbidden to share the details πŸ˜€

So to keep it short I am also posting my favourite anime scene of the week.

Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records


This of course it the season finale of a pretty sweet anime and I like the way it ended. The anime itself is a mixture of fun and action so I would recommend it for when you need something light to chill with.

So how was your week and what is your favourite scene πŸ˜€ ?

Ps. Age is just a number πŸ˜›

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